Friday 25 March 2011

6 teenagers in the same house, silent (more or less) for 2 days.

Are they ill? Are they unconscious? Are they just plugged into their iPods?
No to all of the above!
My other half - yes Catherine, that's you - is going on a silent retreat this weekend for WYD preparation.  Round of applause, people!

Putting aside one's busy social life, studies, work, etc. seems like madness - no, that's an understatement. It's insanity to the self-respecting modern-day teenager. Especially when you have a party, a cinema trip, shopping spree, or even just study what with the exams looming, lined up for that Friday/Sat evening.

And although I'm fairly sure I'll be overwhelmed by a mountain of scepticism, I'm convinced that the times when it's busiest or when you're firmly convinced that you don't have time are the times when you need to sort out what's going on on the inside.

Why? Maybe because spending those 2 days alone with God will be the best-selfish thing you've ever done in your life. Yes I did just say best-selfish. No I'm not flunking my English degree. It makes perfect sense: a retreat is there for you. God is there for you, trying to help you 'detox your life', as a friend of mine said recently.

Besides, World Youth Day can't be enjoyed unless we understand why we're going - to meet Christ. If we can't recognise him enough in our own country to give him just 2 days of our time, why on earth are we bothering to go to Spain to do so for six days?

'Chris,' I hear you say - probably with a very grim look in your eye - 'are you trying to get me to go on a retreat with those oh-so-persuasive words?'
Gosh, I reply, well yes I am.

There's going to be a WYD prep retreat organised by the one-and-only Tamezin in May - dates to be confirmed - so watch this space. Do yourself a favour and go!

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