Saturday, 30 July 2011

I might be walking next to the Pope in August.

Well, I COULD be. And so could you, for that matter! 
The amazing WYD team have launched this competition which, with just a few clicks of the mouse, could get you one of those few and much-coveted places by the Holy Father's side. 

It's such an incredible idea. I don't think I'll get it, and I certainly don't deserve it, but I really - really - really want it

Lately I've been YouTube- and Google-ing (are these not recognised verbs yet? I Google. You Google. He/She Googles) the trips of the Pope this year, and am duly astonished. Lourdes - Croatia - Repubic of San Marino (had to Google that one.). He puts myself, a studentus non-ambulemus  to shame, and I blame JK Rowling entirely for that truly awful Harry Potterism.

But - to walk next to him? What would it be like? What would he say? Heck, what would I say? Speaking of which, I tweeted at the Pope the other day.

It was pretty cool actually. I'm sure that he didn't actually have time to read the millions of Tweets coming his way, but hey! It felt like he was that little bit closer. Viva el Papa!

Less than two weeks until WYD. EXCITED.